CareDx supports a wide range of programs that seek to improve public health, patient outcomes, equity and sustainability. By working together, we believe that our collective resources and expertise have the potential to help pre- and post-transplant patients in greatest need.

Environment, Social, and Government Responsibility

Staying true to our mission and values, CareDx is committed to improving the lives of transplant patients and continuously improving our focus on equity and sustainability. As part of this journey, we have incorporated an Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework to benchmark and advance our performance.

Go here to review CareDx’s latest ESG Report.

Patient Advocacy Organizations

Whether it is education, or championing legislation, CareDx supports groups that support causes close to the hearts and needs of patients.

Health Equity Initiatives

CareDx is committed to partnering with organizations to address health inequities in underserved communities which contribute to a higher incidence of organ failure, lower transplant waitlisting rates and fewer organ donations. CareDx has made concerted efforts to make progress in this area and recently hired two new board members to help guide our company forward.

Dr. Hannah
Dr. Hannah Valantine is former chief officer for scientific workforce diversity at the National Institutes of Health.
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Art Torres
Art Torres is the Vice Chair on the board of One Legacy, and an advocate for organ transplant awareness in communities of color.
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Health equity areas of focus for CareDx include:

  • Health education to help prevent the onset and incidence of organ failure
  • Tools and support to navigate the complex pre-transplant waitlisting process
  • Medication adherence education and support to help improve post-transplant outcomes
  • Campaigns to improve the rate of organ donations by minority communities to address the organ shortage crises
  • Legislation and public policy efforts to address health equity

Supported organizations:

Public Policy

The company is dedicated to innovation and initiatives that improve long-term transplantation outcomes. CareDx has supported important transplant legislative policies, including:

  • 21st Century Cures Act to help bring new innovations to patients who need them faster
  • Living Donor Protection Act to promote live organ donations and protect donors from discrimination
  • Formed the “Honor the Gift Coalition” which contributed to the passage of the Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Transplant Patients Act of 2019 (Immuno Bill).

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We have increased the diversity of our Board and leadership teams and continue to focus on maintaining a diverse organization. For information on our latest progress go to our latest ESG Report.

We also have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Our goal is to ensure CareDx is a place where all feel welcome and where everyone feels like they have a voice. Our DEI mission is to engage, retain, and develop talent from diverse backgrounds by facilitating DEI advocacy through event sponsorship, learning, and client engagement. This will enable our village to thrive through inclusion of different perspectives, create safe spaces to grow both professionally and personally, while never losing sight of how diversity impacts us and our patients.