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Introduced in 1992, OLERUP SSP and SBT have set the standard for tissue typing laboratories all over the world. They give clinicians the power to test for specific alleles quickly and efficiently. Each HLA kit in this series was designed by CareDx to easily integrate into the workflow of any medical office that needs to determine HLA phenotype.
Olerup SSP Logo

What is Olerup SSP?

Olerup SSP HLA Typing Kits are qualitative in vitro diagnostic kits for the DNA of HLA Class I and HLA Class II alleles.

Benefits of Olerup SSP?

Whatever resolution is required in your lab, the Olerup SSP kit series has an option to cover your needs.

  • Simple setup and analysis
  • Minimal investment cost
  • KIR typing and accessory products also available

How Does Olerup SSP Work?

The kit is available in two formats, one with and one without Taq Polymerase.

Inside, you’ll have everything you need to conduct the test, including: Cresol red – Glycerin – PCR buffer – dNTPs

Available kits

Olerup SBT

Access a wide variety of sequence-based typing

What is Olerup SBT?

Olerup SBT provides HLA-typing solutions designed to help resolve heterozygous ambiguities in HLA Class-I and HLA Class-II DNA. Several accessory reagents are available to facilitate the PCR amplification and DNA sequencing of a given gene. Our extensive library of HLA class I and II HARPS® (Heterozygous Ambiguity Resolution Primers) is provided and has the same protocol as sequencing primers in the Olerup SBT typing kit.

Benefits of Olerup SBT?

Find all that you need in one place.

  • Approximately 100 HLA class I and II HARPS®
  • Perform high-resolution HLA typing for a variety of DNA sequences with heterozygous ambiguities
  • Simplify HLA analysis with the Assign SBT Software

How Does Olerup SBT Work?

Olerup SBT kits provide HLA class I and II HARPS®, allele-specific primers employed via the same protocol as sequencing primers in Olerup SBT typing kits.

Available kits